


UI/UX Designer & Programmer Group University Project 2021


Deliveroids is a single-player arcade-style racing game inspired by games like Crazy Taxi. In the game, players complete timed missions where they deliver special packages to different locations while avoiding obstacles.

Deliveroids was developed during a group assignment structured as an agile project. This game was developed over 10 weeks, broken up into 5 sprints with each sprint lasting 2-3 weeks. This project was developed in partnership with Roy Fu, Padriac Heaton, Rhys Vincent, Long Vo, Julio Lecaros, Kenneth Yap and Julian da Ros.

Nominated for award at the UTS FEIT Prototype Exhibition Spring 2021!

Project Responsibilities:
  • Worked in a team of 8
  • Designed and programmed UI for in-game menus
  • Designed appearance of the main menu scene
  • Managed project progress documentation using Trello
  • Devised questionnaires for playtesters to record feedback
  • Recorded and edited gameplay trailer
  • Worked using Agile development
Play Game


Game Trailer